From Beginning To End, The Right Attorney Will Be There For You
Getting your business off on the right foot is just as important as deciding who will take the reins after you pass away. For assistance making these important decisions, contact Hunter Green. He founded Green Law Firm, PLLC, to help clients throughout Northwest Arkansas. For both short- and long-term goals, he is here to provide you with the information you need.
Why A Lawyer Is Necessary
Many people believe they can handle all aspects of their business on their own. While this confidence is imperative, it is also a way to make silly mistakes. A trusted attorney will make sure you are protected moving forward. This helps eliminate problems down the road. Whether you would like to create a limited liability company (LLC) or a corporation, it is important that you understand the pros and cons of each. Hunter Green will take the time to understand your goals and help you decide what is best.
When creating a business, the dream is that it will outlast your own life. While it can be difficult to think about someone else carrying out your wishes, it is a way to make sure your company lives on. Business succession plans clearly state who will take over when the time comes. It is a way to make sure your voice is heard long after you are gone, in conjunction with your will and estate planning documents. Understandably, these choices can be difficult. Hunter Green can talk through the options you are facing in order for you to feel confident.
To Discuss Further, Call Today
No matter what stage of the process you are in, it is important to reach out to a knowledgeable attorney as soon as possible. To schedule a consultation, call Hunter Green’s office in Lowell at 479-337-4288 today. You can also email him by filling out this online contact form.